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What are the Ways to Train a German Shepherd Puppy?

What are the Ways to Train a German Shepherd Puppy?


When disciplining your German Shepherd, you may imagine that discipline entails paddling, food deprivation, or some other type of negative punishment that makes your dog experience the repercussions of his or her bad behaviour. However, any dog expert will tell you that these techniques of canine punishment are neither acceptable nor successful. So, how to get started with German Shepherd Training?

Distract your dog with an interesting chew toy during German Shepherd puppy training to deflect unwanted behaviour such as destructive chewing. Positive reinforcement can be used to motivate puppies to behave appropriately by rewarding them with treats or toys.

This article will demonstrate how to train a German Shepherd. Many puppy parents are also baffled by positive and negative reinforcement, so we’ll discuss the terms in further depth.

Back to “what not to do” while training a German Shepherd, punishment instills fear and distrust in your dog, damaging the great link you have.

If you’re interested in learning more about German Shepherd training, and more importantly, what not to do, this brand-new book is for you.

Training a German Shepherd Puppy: Personality

German Shepherds have a reserved demeanor yet are rarely aggressive. They are shy dogs who take their time making friends but are extremely devoted once they do. They are placid and sociable with their family, but maybe aggressive and protective when threatened, making them great watchdogs.

This very intelligent and trainable breed thrives when given any challenge. They can perform a wide variety of tasks with effective German Shepherd training, from alerting a deaf person to the sound of the doorbell to sniffing out an avalanche victim.

They are not accustomed to spending time alone. They get bored and frustrated without a friend, exercise, and the opportunity to use their intelligence. The German Shepherd, who did not get enough exercise and was neglected by his family, often showed signs of being trapped in an unwanted way, including barking and chewing.

As with all puppies, early socialization—exposure to a variety of people, sights, sounds, and experiences—is critical during the German Shepherd puppy’s formative years. Socialization aids in the development of your German Shepherd puppy into a well-balanced dog.


Methods of German Shepherd Training


Stay Away From Physical Punishment

If you own a German Shepherd, you probably bought him as a pet. This demonstrates your concern for your puppy’s well-being. As a result, you want to prevent harming your German Shepherd puppy and to earn his confidence during German Shepherd Training.

If all of this is true, it should be self-evident that you should never physically punish your pet, whether by spanking, kicking, depriving him of food, confining or tying him for days, or using any other sort of punishment that might result in physical injury to the puppy.

These types of punishment are ineffective. To begin German Shepherd dog training, it is necessary to understand that dogs lack the ability to associate punishment with their actions and are thus unlikely to change. Instead, they’ll develop fear and aggression toward you, jeopardizing your relationship with your dog.


Don’t Yell At Your German Shepherd

Dogs have perfect hearing unless they have a physical disability that impairs their hearing. Indeed, a dog’s ear is wired for prey detection and is capable of hearing sounds of any pitch. This also means that they can distinguish subtle variances in your voice tone and are aware that screaming conveys anger and dissatisfaction.

Yelling can instill fear and hostility in German Shepherd pups, causing them to bite you or escape. Additionally, dogs may develop an apathy toward your shouting and eventually learn to ignore it. This means that in German Shepherd training, you will never be able to accomplish anything with them.

Continuous yelling as a form of punishment might have a detrimental effect on your German Shepherd’s quality of life. This study revealed that pups trained using unpleasant approaches (such as shouting) had a lower degree of welfare than puppies educated using reward-based strategies (positive reinforcement).


Suggestions for Positive and Negative Reinforcement

Discipline teaches a German Shepherd owner which behaviours are acceptable and which are not. Throughout German Shepherd training, the puppy must be able to identify which behaviours are acceptable and which are not.

If the German Shepherd dog training is complete and the dog commits an error, a “do not do that” message should be delivered.

As previously stated, the most successful techniques of discipline for German Shepherd training are positive and negative reinforcement.

Positive reinforcement comprises the inclusion of an incentive to increase the frequency of responses. For example, when you command your dog to “come,” your dog is unlikely to comprehend immediately, which is natural. You’ll need to express to the pet through motions that “come” means “walk toward you.”

Once this is established, rewarding the dog sends the message that approaching you is the appropriate behaviour anytime the word “come” is uttered.

During German Shepherd training, positive reinforcement prizes may include the following:

  • To avoid health risks, a treat should be healthy. It might be a single kibble or a little portion of meat from their diet, or it could be nutritious fruits or vegetables.
  • An embrace, a gentle pat on the back, or a caress behind the ears are all tangible manifestations of attention.
  • Verbal commendation: “Excellent boy/girl” or a resounding “yes”
  • Reward him with the toys he prefers.


When something is taken away or a reward is withheld this is called negative reinforcement. It does not imply “bad” or “punish,” as is sometimes misunderstood.

When teaching your German Shepherd puppy to sit, a classic method of negative reinforcement is to gently press his bottom on the floor, easing him into the sitting position. Once he has seated, the pressure may be released.

In this manner, you’ve eliminated something the dog dislikes (the negative component) while also improving the behaviour in German Shepherd training. Repetition of this activity reinforces the desired behaviour.


Five Simple Steps for Punish-Free German Shepherd Puppy Training



If you tell your German Shepherd puppy not to bark at the neighbours on Tuesday but allow it on Wednesday, your puppy will become confused and will not learn the proper behaviour. Allowing them to have their way “just this once” reinforces the undesirable behaviour, resulting in the continuation of the puppy problem into a dog problem.


Maintain Punctuality

Address a problem only if you observe your puppy committing an error. When you criticize a puppy ten minutes later for chewing through the screen door, the dog will have no idea why you are unhappy. You can monitor your puppy remotely with a pet camera equipped with a microphone that transmits your voice when you hold it at the door of the screen.


Be Tenacious

Your strong “no” teaches your puppy that their behaviour is wrong, but yelling or physical hostility will only serve to terrify them. Puppies are unaware that these responses are directed to certain behaviors and misinterpret them as threats to themselves.

It may instill fear in your puppy, which is exactly the opposite of what you are trying to do. Additionally, it may convince him that he is incapable of making a mistake, prompting him to grow nervous about your response. Throughout German Shepherd training, the most efficient method of communicating your displeasure is by vocalization or physical removal, such as removing your puppy from the room. A competent puppy parent and trainer should express their authority throughout the German Shepherd training process without losing their temper.

Assume you are uncertain about your training techniques. In such a scenario, you may contact an expert on-the-go via Online Vet regarding your pet’s behaviour, health, diet, and other pet-related matters.


Employ Positive Reinforcement

Discouragement of undesirable puppy behaviour is equally as vital as a rewarding positive behaviour. Positive reinforcement can take the shape of praise, food, stroking, or playtime for your puppy’s positive behaviour. When your puppy does an action that you appreciate, give him or her a treat, pat him or her, and lavish them with praise.

Positive reinforcement is vital for them to understand what you expect of them. Additionally, you may acknowledge their efforts with a clicker or a voice cue such as “yes!” Did Dixie stop barking when you told her to? Dixie, proceed! Give her a treat. Is it true that Duke used the toilet outside? That is astounding! Remind him of the amazing young man he is.


Include Timeouts

Timeouts are not just for misbehaving children! Pups that are misbehaving may benefit from timeouts or “isolation”. Abstinence works best when used to respond to behaviors such as jumping on people, mouthing, and certain types of anger.

The most effective way to discipline your dog is to use timeouts to give it a kind of oral signal (for example, “Oops!”) and then leave the room (alone) or direct it to a different place away from other people and dogs. Additionally, crates make excellent timeout areas. A timeout should not exceed a few minutes.


Potty Training for German Shepherds

This is, without a question, the most odiferous of all the puppy training challenges. The good news is that potty training a German Shepherd is relatively simple, though it does require some self-control on your part.

The first step is to establish a routine of feeding your puppy and getting out regularly. Due to the regularity of the canine digestive system, you may anticipate that your puppy will want excretion between 5 and 30 minutes after eating. Adding more “potty” rituals (for example, first thing in the morning) will aid your puppy in learning to go outdoors.

While you are away from home, it is OK to utilize “crate breaking” as a halfway housebreaking technique until your puppy is totally housebroken. If your puppy perceives its box as his “den,” they are unlikely to pollute it, and so crate training your puppy while you are gone is a fantastic strategy to avoid any unpleasant surprises upon your return.

It is crucial to reinforce good behaviour with prizes or praise during the housebreaking process, while avoiding showing dissatisfaction or punishing for accidents. If your puppy is already barking or urinating in the house, they will be confused as to why you are reprimanding them.

If your puppy continues to urinate or defecate in the home after a few weeks of housebreaking, he should be examined by a veterinarian to rule out an underlying health concern.


Training a German Shepherd: Conclusion

German Shepherd puppy training requires a high level of discipline. It is critical, however, to distinguish between discipline and punishment. While punishing your dog may cause physical pain, discipline is intended to reinforce appropriate behaviour.

To begin German Shepherd training, the two most effective strategies for using discipline to train your dog in good behaviour are positive reinforcement for good behaviour and negative reinforcement for bad behaviour.

There are a few reasons why your German Shepherd might be displaying misbehavior. Loneliness, inactivity, and insufficient German Shepherd training are just a few examples.

Avoid rewarding poor behaviour, scolding, and physical punishment if you want a trained German Shepherd. After all, you do not want to sever the deep attachment you share with your German Shepherd due to poor discipline.


Frequently Asked Questions


Are German Shepherds simple to train?

Due to the amenability of German Shepherds, German Shepherd training is quite simple in comparison to other dog breeds. Not only do German Shepherds perform admirably throughout work training, but they also excel in listening training. They will submit to you and obey your commands.


What is the best way to teach a German Shepherd to attack?

Your German Shepherd training’s primary objective is to avoid acting aggressively. This dog is a companion animal and should be treated as such. It’s an added benefit that they can defend you in the case of an assault or crime.

Additionally, you must be familiar with the German Shepherd training procedure. They should never attack a person without justification and should be educated to cause the least amount of damage possible.


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