Dogs for kids?

YES absolutely, dogs for children are important for growing up.

Some people may think that a German Shepherd is not a good choice for a family with children, but the opposite is true. German Shepherds are great for many reasons, especially if you have children.

The German Shepherd is one of the first dog breeds to be considered for protective, police, and military duties. For this reason, families may not think that German Shepherds would fit well in a home with children.

German Shepherds were bred to be working and protective dogs, and they excel at both. A German Shepherd is extremely loyal, loving, protective and intelligent. When I say intelligent, I mean frighteningly intelligent.

Socialization of the puppy

Socializing your German Shepherd puppy is very important to its development into a great dog and family member.

Socialization means introducing your German Shepherd puppy to as many people as possible, especially if you have children.

Socializing your German Shepherd is crucial because it teaches him to trust family members and close friends, while developing proper protection and behavior skills.

There is no trick to socializing your German Shepherd. All you need to do is let your puppy be with family and friends. Let your puppy explore and play with as many people as possible.

The German Shepherd puppy will associate the smell of people with his personality.

After a few visits with your German Shepherd, friends and family will be seen as part of the group or pack. Remember that YOU are always your dog’s pack leader! YOU are in charge, always.

Raising a German Shepherd as a puppy around dogs for children.

Here are some good tips for raising a German Shepherd as a puppy when you have children. These tips should be followed even if you don’t have children in the house.

Never hit your dog. There should only be positive reinforcement. If the dog pees on the floor, it’s your fault for not letting him out. Yelling a sharp “NO” while he is caught in the act is sufficient before you take him outside to stop it. You can’t be angry or yell the word “NO” after the fact, because that won’t work.
Sit or lie down next to your German Shepherd puppy while he is eating and pet his face or head. This is how you learn to trust. Your German Shepherd puppy will realize that you are not a threat (you have no interest in his food). I have done this with our 3 year old German Shepherd from day one. I can kiss her on the face while she chews on a bone from the butcher. She has never growled or run away.

When your German Shepherd puppy comes in from outside after doing his business, give him a treat and say, “Good boy, potty!” Always praise him with the word you want to associate with his behavior and give him a treat. The treat is mainly for the puppy months. I still tell our German Shepherd, “Good girl, go potty.” At 10 weeks old, she was housebroken within 4 days (they are very smart).
Talk to your children, when they are old enough to understand, about how to treat your German Shepherd. Proper dog handling is not only for the protection of your dog, but also for the protection of others. Just like with people, there are times when a dog needs his space. Dogs should be treated nicely, petted and not surprised.
Never let your children try to ride the dog.
Even though German Shepherds are usually very relaxed, you should not pull their tails or ears. Most likely they will do nothing but run away, but you just don’t want the dog to be in pain.
I talk to our dogs all the time, cuddle them and ask them questions (they answer).
Allow your children to give your German Shepherd treats and throw the ball for him. Make sure your children are involved in the training process by befriending and having fun with your dog.
German Shepherds are not scary,

Contrary to what many people believe, German Shepherds, when well trained, are not scary and are quite suitable for families with children.

The natural instinct of a German Shepherd is to love, serve and protect. German Shepherds instinctively have a very high intelligence, a high prey drive, and are extremely loyal to their family (pack).

Reasons why a German Shepherd is good with children.

There are things that our German Shepherd has done with our children that he has never been trained to do. These traits are instinctive and usually show up around 1 year of age. Many other people have reported the same German Shepherd behaviors with children.

n the night, our German Shepherd goes from room to room every few hours, checking on everyone for a few seconds while we sleep.
When the kids are at the park, our German Shepherd sits very still and watches the kids. If the kids happen to get out of sight for a second, she quickly moves her head to look for them and gives a little whine. If she doesn’t see them, she moves a little until they come into view. Our German Shepherd never takes her eyes off the kids.
When I ask our German Shepherd, “where is that person,” stating the person’s name, she runs through the house to find that person. She always finds the right person.
When I ask our German Shepherd, “where is Jake” (our 2nd dog), she does the same thing. If Jake is upstairs, she herds him downstairs to me.
If the kids are fighting while playing, our German Shepherd runs over and gets in between them. When she’s outside, she quickly runs inside as if to say, “What the heck is going on!”
When someone we know shows up at the door, our German Shepherd lets out a bark to let us know she’s there. When someone she doesn’t know shows up, she barks very differently and her hair stands up. She is protective of her family.
I’ve seen a few people approach our kids (nice people, but no one our dog has met yet), and our German Shepherd would get in front of the kids and sit down to appraise the person.

Intelligence of the German Shepherd Dog

As mentioned above, the intelligence of a German Shepherd is very high. It is said that the intelligence of a German Shepherd is equal to that of a 7-year-old human. Dogs for children

Training your German Shepherd is easy because of its high intelligence. As a rule, after 3 training sessions your German Shepherd will understand

the given commands (after an age of about 6 months).

So it is a perfect match dogs for children

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  1. Pingback: Are German Shepherds Aggressive - German Shepherd

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